Manufacturing of cosmetics – what equipment is used?

Manufacturing of cosmetics – what equipment is used?

Making cosmetics has very strict requirements for the entire production process. These requirements are mainly the sterility of the rooms where cosmetics are produced and reproducibility resulting from proper composition. These requirements make beauty products safe...
What is lean manufacturing? Learn about the principles

What is lean manufacturing? Learn about the principles

Growing competition and the desire to maximise profits means that companies must constantly improve their production process. One way to streamline production is lean manufacturing, which focuses on the customer and eliminates waste of resources. Find out about the...
Robotic assembly line – what exactly is it?

Robotic assembly line – what exactly is it?

Every year, more and more production lines are being robotised. We are talking here about new lines and lines that have been in operation for a long time. They are often upgraded with brand new industrial robots, which are, among other things, cost-effective and more...